Jumat, 16 Desember 2016



You guys we know in the modern it smartphone would not be a goods plush again because almost everyone has smartphone . Uses smartphone a lot , can help work , learning , find out about the latest news in this world . Smartphone also plenty of its kind , and each company smartphone compete to offer their products . In smartphone there are various application , how many application there must be dong application favorite us or we often use . Application that once i loved to do was instagram and line . Why ??  because with instagram we can enshrine moment and distributing moment to the entire followers in our instagram
, or Conversely we can also look at any moment all the people we follow on instagram . As well as line , line is very useful to communicate with the family , friends , or also girlfriend ( if there are ) . With line we can interact melaluli chat , calling, or video call . Well that is why i menyyukai second smartphone the application . If you that guys??? Thank you had visited my blog, forgive if there were deficiencies in the article.

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